Demo unit loan agreement

The Demonstration Product Agreement, in effect as of the date set forth below, between Mobile Mounting Solutions, Inc. (“Mobile Mounts”) and Customer (identified below) sets forth the terms and conditions for the loan of the products listed on the attached quotation (“Product”) by Mobile Mounts to Customer for the sole purpose of demonstration and evaluation of the Product. Customer hereby agrees that such Product loan shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:

1.) The Product remains the property of Mobile Mounts and will be returned by the Return Date indicated below or upon request.

2.) Mobile Mounts will loan the Product to the Customer. The Product will be shipped, at Mobile Mounts expense, to the address on the referenced quotation. The Customer is responsible for the shipping cost when returning the Product to Mobile Mounts at the end of the demonstration period.

3.) The Demonstration period shall begin when the Customer receives the Product. The Product shall be received at Mobile Mounts on or before the Return Date listed below. If the Product is not received at Mobile Mounts by the Return Date, Mobile Mounts will invoice and Customer agrees to pay the amount shown on the attached quotation plus shipping charges.

4.) Product returned to Mobile Mounts must be in the same working and physical condition as it was at the time the Product was delivered to the Customer. To avoid possible charges, the customer is expected to adhere to the following guidelines:

5.) The Customer assumes all risks of loss or damage to the Product.

6.) To return evaluation Product email us at to receive RMA instructions.