Foreign Currency Note Order Form

Branch Copy Foreign Currency Note Order Form This form should be used only by AIB account holders for all foreign currency note orders with the exception of Sterling and US Dollars which are (subject to availability) obtainable at your local branch Customer Details (Please print in BLOCK CAPITALS) Customer Name Contact Number I/We hereby order the foreign currency indicated below in accordance with account terms and conditions and terms and conditions overleaf. I/We authorise you to debit the following AIB account with the euro value of the foreign currency at your exchange rate on the day the foreign currency order is received from me/us by AIB, together with commission (if applicable).

NSC Account Number

Customer Authorised Signature(s)

Day Month Year Date / / Please sign in accordance with the account mandate

Foreign Currency Note Order Details Please refer to the ‘Schedule of International Transactions Charges’ for details of commissions and charges and allow up to 10 working days for delivery of your foreign currency order. Currency amounts - Please tick 3 currency required Currency Multiples of Currency Multiples of Currency Multiples of Currency Multiples of Australian Dollar 100 Czech Koruna 1,500 Polish Zloty 200 Swedish Krona 500

Canadian Dollar 100 Hungarian Forint 15,000 South African Rand 400 Thai Baht 2,500 United Arab Croatian Kuna 400 New Zealand Dollar 100 Swiss Franc 100 250 Emirates Dirhams Currencies will be sold in the minimum values quoted above or multiples thereof. Currency note denominations may vary depending on availability. Foreign Currency Amount Required or euro Value Amount (*excluding commission) € * Commission is charged at rate of 1% of euro value of the foreign currency order value (minimum charge €1.27 – maximum charge €6.35) Note: Based on the equivalent foreign currency denominations available, your foreign currency order will be rounded down to the nearest available denomination. For Third Party Collection I/we authorise to collect this order on my/our behalf.

Customer Authorised Signature(s) Day Month Year / / Collected on behalf of Customer by Day Month Year / /

For Branch Use Only:

Day Month Year Currency Order available for collection / /

Order Payment method Cash Debit Card Account Withdrawal Brand and FX Teller Initials Account details verified Yes No Signature verified Yes No

Commission collected Yes No If no, state reason Customer receipt ref. Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. Registered Office: 10 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. Registered in Ireland, No. 24173.

Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

AIB Foreign Currency Note Order Form AIB/F150 06/20 1 of 3 Customer Copy Foreign Currency Note Order Form This form should be used only by AIB account holders for all foreign currency note orders with the exception of Sterling and US Dollars which are (subject to availability) obtainable at your local branch Customer Details (Please print in BLOCK CAPITALS) Customer Name Contact Number I/We hereby order the foreign currency indicated below in accordance with account terms and conditions and terms and conditions overleaf. I/We authorise you to debit the following AIB account with the euro value of the foreign currency at your exchange rate on the day the foreign currency order is received from me/us by AIB, together with commission (if applicable).

NSC Account Number

Customer Authorised Signature(s)

Day Month Year Date / / Please sign in accordance with the account mandate

Foreign Currency Note Order Details Please refer to the ‘Schedule of International Transactions Charges’ for details of commissions and charges and allow up to 10 working days for delivery of your foreign currency order. Currency amounts - Please tick 3 currency required Currency Multiples of Currency Multiples of Currency Multiples of Currency Multiples of Australian Dollar 100 Czech Koruna 1,500 Polish Zloty 200 Swedish Krona 500

Canadian Dollar 100 Hungarian Forint 15,000 South African Rand 400 Thai Baht 2,500 United Arab Croatian Kuna 400 New Zealand Dollar 100 Swiss Franc 100 250 Emirates Dirhams Currencies will be sold in the minimum values quoted above or multiples thereof. Currency note denominations may vary depending on availability. Foreign Currency Amount Required or euro Value Amount (*excluding commission) € * Commission is charged at rate of 1% of euro value of the foreign currency order value (minimum charge €1.27 – maximum charge €6.35) Note: Based on the equivalent foreign currency denominations available, your foreign currency order will be rounded down to the nearest available denomination. For Third Party Collection I/we authorise to collect this order on my/our behalf.

Customer Authorised Signature(s) Day Month Year / / Collected on behalf of Customer by Day Month Year / /

For Branch Use Only:

Day Month Year Currency Order available for collection / /

Order Payment method Cash Debit Card Account Withdrawal Brand and FX Teller Initials Account details verified Yes No Signature verified Yes No

Commission collected Yes No If no, state reason Customer receipt ref. Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. Registered Office: 10 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. Registered in Ireland, No. 24173.

Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

AIB Foreign Currency Note Order Form AIB/F150 06/20 2 of 3 Terms and Conditions for Foreign Currency Note Orders

In these Conditions: 7. Foreign Currency Order cancellation/non-collection: Agreement means these Conditions and the Foreign Currency Note Cancelled foreign currency note orders will be refunded according to your Order Form completed by you when applying for a Foreign Currency instructions. Note Order. By utilising this Service you acknowledge that you have read If your foreign currency note order remains uncollected for a period of and understood these Conditions and agree to be bound by them and to four weeks from the foreign currency note order date, we will contact you comply with all applicable laws and regulations. for your instructions. Conditions means these terms and conditions as amended, extended or If you cancel your foreign currency note order by phone, the refund will be replaced from time to time. credited to your AIB account. You will give us your account details. Any reference in these Conditions to “you” and “your” includes your Your refund cannot be credited to your account or made until the original personal representatives and successors and (where applicable) reference foreign currency note order has been delivered to the branch where the to “you” and “your” includes the plural and singular including any joint foreign currency note order was made. account holder. 8. Liability Any reference to “we”, “us” and “our” means Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. and We shall neither be in breach of our obligations under the Agreement nor includes our successors and assigns. liable for any loss or damage suffered by you if we delay or fail to perform Foreign Currency Note Order means any order for foreign currency placed our duties and obligations to you because of circumstances beyond our with Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. by completing the Foreign Currency Note reasonable control (including, but not limited to, acts of God, fire, acts of Order Form and delivering same to us. government, war, civil commotion, inability to communicate with third 1. Process: parties, failure of any computer or settlement system and labour disputes). The FX Services in branches are only available to AIB account holders. Our maximum liability to you in respect of this service will be to refund the Foreign currency note orders must be placed and paid for in advance. purchase price of the foreign currency order. Foreign currency note orders are fulfilled by us at a central location and You will be liable to indemnify us for any loss, damage, cost or expense delivered to our branch where the foreign currency note order is placed. which we may incur in connection with any breach of these Conditions by Foreign currencies are sold by us in multiples of foreign note values you. dependant upon the currency denomination as requested and the 9. Severance exchange rate applicable. If you order a specific foreign currency amount If at any time any provision of the Agreement is or becomes invalid, illegal or the euro equivalent of a foreign currency, your foreign currency note or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability order will be rounded down to the nearest available denomination. Details of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. of the process are available on the AIB web site – This does not affect your statutory rights. 2. Foreign Currency Orders by post: 10. Third Party Rights You can print a Foreign Currency Note Order Form from the AIB web When you place a foreign currency note order with us, you are entering a site, complete the Form and post it to our branch where you contract with us personally. Nothing in these terms will confer any benefit wish to collect the foreign currency note order from. You will receive your on any third party or any right to enforce these terms. receipt within 4 working days. If you do not receive your foreign currency 11. Law and Jurisdiction note order receipt within such period you should contact us to confirm that The Agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with we have received your foreign currency note order. the laws of Ireland and both you and we hereby submit to the exclusive 3. Delivery timeframe: jurisdiction of the Irish Courts. Any dispute, which cannot be resolved Our branch will advise you of the timeframe for collection of your foreign between us, may be referred by you to the Financial Services Ombudsman currency note order. at 3rd Floor, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2 or may be resolved 4. Charges under the jurisdiction of the Irish Courts. Commission is charged at 1% of the euro value of the foreign currency General note order value (minimum €1. 27 – maximum €6.35) You will be deemed to have received any demand or notice or receipt sent For further details of our Fees and Charges refer to our “Schedule of by us to you by post to the last address notified by you two working days International Transaction Charges” brochure. after dispatch by post, or immediately upon hand delivery. For exemptions from Fees and Charges refer to our “A Guide to Fees and Charges for Personal Accounts” brochure. 5. Payment: DATA PROTECTION The exchange rate applied to your foreign currency note order, will be the For information in relation to how we collect personal information about appropriate rate on the day the foreign currency note order is placed. You you, how we use it and how you can interact with us about it, see our data must pay for your foreign currency note order at the time you place the protection notice in branches and online. It may change from time to time. order. You can pay us in cash (in euro) or by any other means acceptable to us. You may be requested to produce identification (i.e. driving licence/ passport) when placing your foreign currency note order. The amount you have to pay us for your foreign currency note order shall be paid in euro and calculated in accordance with the total amount of the foreign currency ordered by you and converted into euro in accordance with the relevant exchange rate. You will receive a receipt outlining the deal information, i.e. currency amount, exchange rate, euro amount and commission (if applicable). 6. Foreign Currency Order collection: 6.1 Personal foreign currency note order collection: Your foreign currency note order will be delivered to our branch where the foreign currency note order is placed. You should bring the original foreign currency note receipt when collecting your foreign currency note order. Foreign currency note order collection requires a signature to confirm receipt of your foreign currency note order. You may be asked for identification (i.e. driving license/passport) when collecting your foreign currency note order. 6.2 Third party foreign currency note order collection: Written authorisation is required for a named third party to collect your foreign currency note order. Authorisation can be given when placing the foreign currency note order. The third party will be asked for identification (i.e. driving licence/passport) when collecting your foreign currency note order.

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