Mediated Settlement Agreements in Texas

mediation settlement agreements

In the realm of Texas family law, a Mediated Settlement Agreement (MSA) is a powerful tool for resolving disputes outside of the courtroom. An MSA is a legally binding contract reached by parties in a family law case with the assistance of a neutral third-party mediator. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions that both parties have agreed upon to settle their disputes, whether they involve divorce, child custody, property division, or other family-related issues.


A Mediated Settlement Agreement is defined as a written agreement reached through mediation that resolves some or all issues in a family law case. It is signed by each party to the agreement and their attorneys (if represented) and meets specific requirements set forth in the Texas Family Code.

Importance in Texas Family Law

MSAs have become increasingly important in Texas family law for several reasons:

Legal Framework

The legal framework for MSAs in Texas is primarily governed by the Texas Family Code. The relevant provisions are found in Sections 6.602

Texas Family Code Provisions

Section 6.602 of the Texas Family Code outlines the requirements for MSAs in divorce cases:

Section 153.0071 provides similar requirements for MSAs in suits affecting the parent-child relationship, with an additional provision that the agreement is binding on the court unless it finds that the agreement is not in the child’s best interest.

Benefits of Mediated Settlement Agreements


MSAs can significantly reduce the financial burden of family law disputes. By avoiding lengthy court proceedings, parties can save on attorney fees, court costs, and other litigation-related expenses. Mediation typically takes less time than litigation, which translates to fewer billable hours for attorneys.


The mediation process is often much quicker than litigation. While a contested divorce or custody case can take months or even years to resolve in court, mediation can sometimes reach a resolution in a single day or over a few sessions.


Unlike court proceedings, which are generally public, mediation is a confidential process. This confidentiality allows parties to discuss sensitive issues openly without fear of public disclosure, leading to more honest and productive negotiations.

Control over outcomes

In mediation, the parties have direct input into the terms of their agreement. This control often leads to more satisfactory and sustainable outcomes compared to court-imposed judgments, as the parties themselves craft solutions that work for their unique situations.

the mediation process

Is knowledgeable about Texas family law

  • Has experience in mediating similar cases
  • Possesses strong communication and negotiation skills
  • Is impartial and respected by both parties
  • Preparing for mediation

    Proper preparation is key to a successful mediation. This includes:

    Stages of the mediation process

    1. Introduction: The mediator explains the process and sets ground rules.
    2. Opening statements: Each party (or their attorney) presents their perspective.
    3. Joint discussion: Parties identify issues and interests.
    4. Private caucuses: The mediator meets separately with each party to discuss positions and explore potential solutions.
    5. Negotiation: Parties work towards finding mutually acceptable solutions.
    6. Agreement: If successful, the terms are drafted into a written agreement.

    Key Components of a Valid Agreement

    Required elements

    To be valid and enforceable, an MSA must include:

    Common provisions

    Depending on the nature of the case, an MSA may include provisions related to:


    Fraud, duress, or coercion in the making of the agreement

  • In child-related matters, if the court finds that the agreement is not in the best interest of the child and that:
  • Special Considerations

    Child custody and support issues

    When dealing with child-related matters, the court must always consider the best interest of the child. While an MSA is presumed to be in the child’s best interest, the court retains the authority to reject an agreement if it finds otherwise.

    Property division

    In divorce cases, MSAs often address the division of marital property . Texas is a community property state, which means that property acquired during the marriage is generally considered to belong equally to both spouses. However, parties can agree to a different division through an MSA.

    Spousal maintenance

    If applicable, an MSA may include provisions for spousal maintenance (alimony). The agreement should specify the amount, duration, and conditions of any maintenance payments.

    Alternatives to Mediated Settlement Agreements

    While MSAs are popular, they are not the only alternative to litigation:

    Collaborative law

    This process involves a commitment by both parties and their attorneys to resolve disputes without going to court. It often involves a team approach, including financial experts and mental health professionals.


    In arbitration, a neutral third party hears evidence and makes a binding decision. It’s more formal than mediation but less formal than court proceedings.


    Traditional court proceedings remain an option when parties cannot reach an agreement through other means.

    Best Practices for Successful Mediation

    Tips for Parties

    Mediator selection criteria

    Why Should I Get a Mediated Settlement Agreement?

    Faster resolution of disputes, lower costs compared to litigation, greater control over the outcome, preservation of relationships, confidentiality of the process, flexibility in crafting solutions, and reduced stress and emotional toll.

    Pros and Cons of a Mediated Settlement Agreement



    What Does a Mediated Settlement Agreement Contain?

    A Mediated Settlement Agreement (MSA) must include clear and specific terms addressing all resolved issues. It should detail property division, child custody and support provisions, spousal maintenance terms, and any other agreed-upon terms relevant to the case. Additionally, it must contain the required statutory language and the signatures of all parties and attorneys.

    What If I Don’t Like My Mediated Settlement Agreement?

    Once signed, an MSA is generally binding and not subject to revocation. Limited grounds for challenging an MSA exist (e.g., fraud, duress). It’s crucial to carefully consider all terms before signing. Consult with an attorney before and during the mediation process. Take time to fully understand the agreement before signing.


    Mediated Settlement Agreements offer a powerful tool for resolving family law disputes in Texas. They provide a cost-effective, efficient, and flexible alternative to litigation, allowing parties to maintain control over the outcome of their case. While not without challenges, MSAs have become an increasingly popular and effective means of resolving family law matters, benefiting both the parties involved and the Texas legal system as a whole.