How to create the perfect medical intake form for patients

Dive into the art and science of crafting the ideal medical intake form, from understanding core essentials to leveraging digital templates for optimal patient engagement.

Karmin Gentili

Healthcare practice owner creates medical intake form template on computer

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At a Glance

Although medical intake forms are necessary for all practices, few people enjoy filling them out. So, how do you make things easier on your patients and potentially improve how they experience the initial part of their visit? Create the perfect patient intake form — or, ideally, forms.

To make things as easy as possible for your patients, you should have 2 types of patient intake forms: one for new and the other for established patients. There are also portions of forms that are negotiable and others that aren’t. After all, a patient’s family medical history doesn’t change. However, they may need to add additional information at some point in the future.

So, how do you create an effective intake form? Let’s look at what information needs to be on your new patient intake form template and how you can significantly shorten what data is asked of established patients.

Patient Perspectives Report

What should be included in a patient intake form?

There is almost always a grimace or a groan, audible or not, that patients give when handed a packet of information to complete. Letting patients know that this is the only time they have to fill in these blanks will alleviate some of that angst.

You can also tell them that they will review an abbreviated form for established patients in the future. This condensed medical intake form will allow them to verify their existing information is accurate and correct or update what your office has on file, which will reduce a portion of resistance to required form completion.

Essential personal identifying information

Many of these crucial elements are consistent in most forms we encounter in our everyday lives. As you create your new patient intake form template, make sure to include these fields:

Gender identification and sexual orientation

Many online systems still need to catch up with how people prefer to identify themselves. Therefore, before creating your medical intake form template, learn about any systematic constraints of adding fields or a comment box to capture patient preferences.

“ Before creating your medical intake form template, learn about any systematic constraints of adding fields or a comment box to capture patient preferences. ”

The information you ask lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) patients on intake forms can help you identify and address specific healthcare needs and disparities. This step is important for delivering healthcare services for this community of patients.

Because this can be a topic some don’t understand, the CDC suggests the following approach.

What gender were you assigned on your birth certificate at birth?

Do you think of yourself as:

Do you think of yourself as:

Ask the patient why they are visiting your office today

This will be a consistent question on both your established and new patient intake forms.

Why have you come to see us today?